From the desk of

Al Franken

"Humor and seriousness are not in opposition to each other."

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As you no doubt know, Arizona’s Supreme Court resurrected an abortion ban from 1864 (before it was a state!) that bans all abortions with an exception for the life of the mother. (Generous of them.)
This weekend Trump threw a fundraiser at the mansion of a hedge-fund billionaire that supposedly raised $50 million. But who knows?
Here’s something you don’t want to get: Donald Trump’s “God Bless the USA Bible.” It’s $59.99.
Donald Trump and Republican politicians portray immigrants as murderers and rapists and drug dealers. Republican voters get a steady diet of the supposed carnage caused by immigrants fed to them by Fox News. It’s the only side of immigration they hear.
My often overly critical team tells me my email messages can be a little long-winded. They also tell me short emails can get more contributions.
Remember this email (see below) that I sent earlier this year saying Trump is not toast?

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