Sometimes profanity is appropriate. For example, on the anniversary of the Dobbs decision. Fuck Thomas, Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett!

But especially Alito. His opinion noted, “The Constitution makes no mention of abortion,” and frequently quoted “eminent” legal authority Sir Matthew Hale, who sentenced two witches to death in 1664.

There is, of course, also no mention of women in the Constitution, a document written by 55 white men in 1787.

I wrote to you recently about all the accomplishments by the Minnesota state legislature, including codifying a woman’s right to an abortion. Thanks to your generous support, we were able to pick up three seats in the state Senate to take the majority (34-33) and make that happen.

Midwest Values PAC will be active again in Minnesota as we were in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. Plus New York, Iowa, Montana, Michigan, and Wisconsin… I hope you can help us help Democrats win all over the place in 2024.

And that includes keeping the White House! 

So, fuck ‘em! 


P.S. As you know, I always add a P.S. as an excuse to make another ask. But this time I’d like to use this space to apologize for the profanity. There’s really no need for that.

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