I hope you’re all enjoying your summers. If you’re lucky, that means some time with family. I just got to visit my daughter, Thomasin, who does ceramics, and we made these plates together.


This Supreme Court has grown increasingly partisan in its rulings. None more pointedly than its landmark immunity decision, giving presidents absolute immunity for exercising their core constitutional powers and the presumption of immunity for other official acts.

Time to Panic!

I suspect that you’ve been getting your share of urgent “end-of-quarter” emails. That’s because it’s just about the end of the quarter.


Two years ago today, Samuel Alito and five Republican Supreme Court justices overturned Roe v. Wade. 

Don’t be fooled by SCOTUS’ Mifepristone Ruling

The SCOTUS 9-0 ruling against anti-abortion organizations and doctors (to be clear, not OBGYNs) who petitioned the FDA’s approval to broaden the distribution of Mifepristone, including mail options, was purely on standing. 

My Dad Wants You to Read This

Happy Father’s Day to all you fathers and/or children of fathers. Let me tell you a little about my dad, Joe Franken. Joe spoke German until he was 5 years old because his parents came to America from Germany. (That’s why I’m not freaked out about immigration.) My Dad’s dad, Otto, died of tuberculosis when […]


As Joe Biden heads over to France to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, it is a reminder of the stakes of this election.


Yesterday was a great day because justice prevailed. Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts.

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