I’m pretty sure you’ve received a few “end of quarter” or “end of year” or, if you’re old enough “end of century” emails asking for support for one thing or another.

Hi, this is me, Ashley. As you may recall, from time to time, I interrupt Al’s emails to differentiate his fundraising asks from others. Al seems to think that people like getting emails from him. But especially when folks like you are swamped with end-of-year asks, I (Ashley) think it’s refreshing to hear from me instead of Al.

It’s still Ashley. As you know, Midwest Values PAC is my favorite political action committee.  That’s because they invest wisely in key races around the country and in ground-game operations in key battleground states. That’s why I, Ashley (not Al), am asking you to donate before 2023 comes to a close.

It’s back to me, Al. Thanks, Ashley!

You’re welcome, Al. What you are doing is so important!

Ashley, I would tell people what YOU do, but I know you like your privacy.

Thanks, Al. You’re the best!


P.S. Ashley here again. Years ago, Al invented the convention of always adding a P.S. in his emails so he could make yet another “ask.” Won’t you reward him and MVP with a $25 donation? Thanks!

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